It is a legal requirement for ALL dogs to be microchipped by 8 weeks of age and their keeper's contact details be kept up to date. Shortly, the legal requirement will be extended to cats too.
Our carer is fully insured and qualified to microchip both dogs and cats, having trained at the College of Animal Welfare, Cambridgeshire.
Microchips are supplied by Avid Microchip Products and registration onto the PETtrac database is included. We offer the microchipping of both standard and mini microchips.
To minimise the stress to your pet, we offer this service at your home.
We do require proof of ownership and personal identification prior to microchipping your pet.
We are able to offer discounts and free microchip updates for breeders. Please contact us for more information.
Please contact us to book your appointment.

We are now able to assist with the scanning of found pets, but encourage you to contact your local authority dog warden (dogs only), and local veterinary practices in the first instance.