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Terms & Conditions


  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE agrees to provide dog walking and other applicable pet care services in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner.  All reasonable care is taken to ensure the highest standards of care are provided.  

  2. By using our services, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will understand that you have read our terms and conditions, know, understand and agree to all terms stated, accepting them as a contractual agreement.

  3. Bookings are subject to these Terms and Conditions, variations of which may be made from time to time and will be posted on our website.  

  4. The acceptance of our terms and conditions gives WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and its representatives authorisation to enter the Client’s listed address as needed to perform agreed upon services.

  5. These terms and conditions apply to all pets owned by you, including any and all new pets that the customer obtains on or after the first of service.

  6. All prospective new clients shall be asked to complete our WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE service agreement form before engagement of services.

  7. The completion of our service agreement form does not confirm commitment to engaging services to either party.

  8. In the case of all pet care, (with the exception of dog care services) a booking is not accepted until a confirmation email has been issued by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and received by you and payment made in advance in accordance with the price quoted.

  9. Information given in the initial service agreement form will be used by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE for all subsequent bookings unless we are notified that there has been a change in your contact details, address, pet’s condition, or requirements etc.  

  10. You authorise this contract to be valid approval for services so as to permit WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE to accept all future in person, telephone, online, mail or email reservations and provide services without additional signed contracts or written authorisations.

  11. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will treat your personal information confidentially and will not pass on your details to any third parties or use your information for marketing purposes. 

  12. All of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE’s records will be stored in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). Personal information will be kept private and confidential, and solely in relation to the services WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE has been requested to provide. If requested, your data will be made available to the Local Authority for us to comply with any specific local authority conditions.  You are welcome to request a copy of all the data we hold of you and your pet(s)

  13. A FREE ‘New Client Meeting’ otherwise known as a 'Meet & Greet' will be required prior to the commencement of service.

  14. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE can provide a time interval during which visits will occur (if requested by you).  If an unforeseen situation arises, the time may be adjusted.

  15. When caring for your pet(s), we have specific legal responsibilities and a duty of care under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.  WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE must visit your pet(s) at least once every 24 hours for their safety and welfare whilst you are away.

  16. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE do not assign you with a set walker/pet carer.  All of our colleagues are fully trained to provide the same level of care.

  17. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to deny or terminate service because of safety or financial concerns.

  18. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE may have a colleague, spouse/partner, family member, work experience student, friend or their own dog accompany them whilst providing the scheduled services. No costs will be applied to your account for any assistance the companion provides.

Your Pet

  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot accept bookings for unruly or aggressive animals.  We may terminate an engagement immediately, without refund, if it is reasonably thought that a pet(s) is badly behaved or aggressive towards humans, animals, or property. 

  2. If your dog(s), whilst being walked show aggressive tendencies towards WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE or their family, or should its’ behaviour become unacceptable or a nuisance beyond reasonable acceptance, you agree that the service is terminated with immediate effect and the dog is returned to the location from where it was collected.  The booking will be terminated without refund.

  3. You agree to advise WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE as soon as possible if any behavioural changes presents itself, or if your pet has the potential to cause harm to any individual or animals.

  4. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE do not accept bookings for dogs registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or for dog hybrids registered under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (E.g., Wolf Hybrids).

  5. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not walk dogs who wear electric or spike collars, nor can we administer negative punishment (smacking or jerking collars or any method which may cause the dog pain or distress.  We will not walk dogs on full choke chains.

  6. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not walk bitches in season but will visit and give garden exercise as an alternative.

  7. Where appropriate, you shall provide secure collars and/or harnesses with name/address tags and leads. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE shall also place an additional ID tag on the pet’s collar and harness. All dogs must be microchipped in accordance with the Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2015.

  8. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE may use their own collars and leads if it is deemed safer for the pet carer and dog.

  9. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE may on occasions transport your pet(s) in our carer’s vehicle to a walking location, with your written permission.  Dogs will be transported securely in the boot area/rear of the van caged, under the Road Traffic Act 1988.

  10. Dogs will only be walked on leads by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE, unless the off-lead consent has been agreed and signed, and it is always at your risk.

  11. Exercise and enrichment activities take place for all pets in the care of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE, unless we are specifically requested otherwise due to medical and/or dietary reasons.

  12. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not feed deep chested breeds in the hour presiding or after a walk due to the risk of a gastric torsion (GDV).

  13. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will properly dispose of your pet(s) waste, as required under The Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005.  For dog walking we will properly dispose of pet waste, and we will provide waste bags for this purpose.  We may, however, need to sometimes bring the waste back to dispose of in your outside bin.  For cat litter trays we do request that you provide all necessary items such as scooper, cat litter and plastic bags and indicate where you would like these waste bags disposed of.  This is the same for any other home-based pet. 

  14. Where appropriate, (with the exception of those under dog care services) you shall provide WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE with sufficient food, litter, litter trays, medications, any treats for their pet(s) and cleaning supplies for the duration of the service.  If additional items need to be purchased in the absence of you – i.e. pet food, or other necessary items that contribute to the health and wellbeing of your pet(s), WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will purchase these and retain a receipt.  You are responsible for reimbursement of these items to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE, on your return.

  15. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE does not accept any responsibility or liability for any Clients’ animals that have access to an open pet flap, escape or become lost or injured, fatal or otherwise.  

  16. In the event your pet(s) goes missing (with the exception of those under dog care services), WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will continue to provide care visits for your pet(s) until your return.

  17. With the exception of those under dog care services, you agree to notify WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE on your safe return.  If you have given us a key, this will be returned when we know you are home safe and sound unless you have asked us to keep it for future service.

  18. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE kindly asks you to let us know if you engage a secondary pet carer.


Veterinary Treatment & Emergency Contact

  1. No booking can be accepted by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE without a completed Veterinary Release Form and Emergency Contact Form.

  2. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will follow the directions of the Veterinary Release Form in the case a pet should become injured or sick.

  3. You give authority to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE for any action they consider suitable to protect and keep your pet(s) in good health.

  4. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will notify your emergency contact, your vet & the relevant authorities (if applicable) that your pet(s) is/are missing from home if we are unable to contact you.

  5. Should your pet(s) become sick/inured or subject to any infectious disease/illness, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will notify you immediately, or if you are unable to be contacted, your emergency contact will be notified, to take instructions or guidance.  

  6. In the event of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE not being able to contact you or your emergency contact, you agree to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE seeking veterinary treatment.  Your chosen vet will always be contacted first.  Should your vet be unavailable, or in case of an out of hours emergency, you consent to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE seeking treatment at an alternative vet.

  7. You are liable for the full cost of any veterinary fees that may be incurred whilst the pet(s) is in the care of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.  These fees will not be paid by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.

  8. Emergency contact details must be provided to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE on your service agreement form, should a situation with your pet(s) arise and you are unavailable.  The emergency contact needs to be an independent person (i.e., if you are on holiday, this must not be a member of your holiday party) and authorised to make all decisions on your behalf if such needs arise.

  9. In the event of you having no emergency contact, you agree to pass full authority of care, including veterinary decisions, to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.


Kennel Cough & Contagious Illnesses

  1. Although every care is taken to prevent contact with dogs with kennel cough, the incubation period means that it is always possible that your dog may pick this up and WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot be held liable for your dog contracting kennel cough.  We strongly advise you discuss kennel cough vaccinations with your vet.

  2. Under no circumstances will WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE service any pet(s) that has any form of active contagious illness, including kennel cough.

  3. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not walk or transport ill dogs or dogs known to have an infection even on a one-to-one basis because of the risk of cross infection.



  1. An up-to-date veterinary vaccination record must be seen by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE prior to the commencement of our services and annually to ensure that your dog has current vaccinations against parvovirus, canine distemper, leptospirosis and infectious canine hepatitis and other relevant diseases.  Please advise us if your pet(s) has a medical exemption to vaccination, as advised by your veterinary surgeon. A letter of exemption from your veterinary surgeon will be required. 

  2. You must ensure that your pet(s) is in good health, fully vaccinated and up to date with parasite control (fleas and worm treatments).

  3. Vaccinations given must be licensed for use in the UK. Homoeopathic vaccinations are not acceptable.  Titre test results are acceptable.

  4. Certification from a veterinarian of a recent protective titre test may be accepted by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE instead of a booster vaccination. The certificate must state that it is valid for the current period of service. It is the decision of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE whether to accept such a certificate.

  5. If WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE (or any member of their household, including any family dog) is bitten or exposed to any disease or ailment received from your pet(s) which has not been properly or currently vaccinated, you will be responsible for all costs and damages that may be incurred as a result.


Liability & Insurance

  1. In consideration of the services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives and releases WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE from any and all claims against the company, its owners, employees and representatives, except those arising from negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.

  2. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE has valid Public Liability insurance, for the peace of mind of their client and Employers Liability insurance.  A copy of our insurance policies is available upon request, and we advise you to check that it meets your requirements.  It is not a substitution for your own insurance cover.

  3. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE shall exercise all precautions against sickness, injury, escape, loss, accidents or death of your pet(s).  WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE is not responsible for sickness, injury, escape, loss accidents or death of your pet(s) unless caused through negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.

  4. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE shall not be liable to you, or be deemed to be in breach of the contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of its obligations in relation to the services, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE’s reasonable control.

  5. It shall be the sole responsibility of you to ensure WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE is fully aware of any health issues the pet(s) is experiencing or has suffered in the past. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot be held liable for any actions or omissions which result in problems or complications for anything not disclosed.

  6. You accept responsibility for all medical expenses and other damages resulting from an injury to the pet carer, other persons or other animal(s) caused by the your pet(s) or negligent act. You agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE in the event of a claim by any person injured or otherwise damaged by your pet(s) or negligent act.

  7. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE accepts no liability in the unlikely event that your pet(s) becomes ill, suffers an injury, or passes away whilst in our care.  If the illness or injury cannot be safely managed by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE, you or your named emergency contact will be contacted to arrange immediate collection of your pet(s).  It is your responsibility to ensure that the emergency contact is aware of this arrangement.

  8. You will be liable if your pet(s) injures a third party or WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and you agree to be responsible for all costs (including but not limited to medical care, legal fees, etc) if your pet(s) should bite another animal.

  9. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot be held liable or responsible for any stains, marks or damages caused by fouling or attempts to clean it.  This also includes any personal items left in the pet's reach.

  10. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot be held responsible for any incidents that occur in the home by your pets outside of our walking/visiting times.

  11. You shall advise WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE of anyone who will have access to their property during any periods of your absence, including but not limited to cleaning services, maintenance personnel, friends, family, and neighbours.  Check to see if your insurance provider needs informing that someone will have access to your property whilst you are away.

  12. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE shall not be liable for other persons for their actions or omissions who will be in, or have access to your property before, during or after services have been rendered. It is understood that you will notify anyone with access to the home that the services of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE have been engaged.

  13. It is your responsibility to insure your property and your pet(s).  We will accept no liability for damage caused by your pet(s) or WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE during an assignment.  You will be liable if WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE or a third party is injured by your pet(s).  Note that typically a dog falling ill in WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE’s care, that is not insured (it is almost impossible to prove that a dog was pre-symptomatic before arrival). Therefore, you are advised to ensure their own pet insurance covers such eventuality.

  14. In the event that due to conditions beyond their control that your pet carer is unavailable, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE accepts no liability for any losses that may occur.

  15. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE's own insurance cover only operates when we are working on an assignment with your pet(s), booked through us for the duration of that booking.

  16. It is recommended that you take out holiday cancellation insurance as WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE may not be able to accommodate pets who become ill or are injured after the booking is confirmed.

  17. You will indemnify us against any claims for loss or injury caused to either WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE staff, their property, which are caused by your pet(s) because of breach of these terms and conditions, negligence or otherwise.

  18. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE is not responsible for any damages beyond the control of the pet carer.



  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE shall clean up after your pet(s) to the best of their ability.  You shall show WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE the location of appropriate cleaning materials, including but not limited to plastic bags, disposable gloves, towels, disinfectant, paper towels and bin bags.

  2. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE may charge for cleaning where the time or number of occurrences exceeds what would be acceptable.

  3. You will leave the thermostat settings within a normal comfortable range.  If the house temperature is outside this range, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will adjust the thermostat to ensure the health and comfort of your pet(s).  

  4. You will provide WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE with details of all shut off points for services into the property.  In the event of a household emergency, we will contact you immediately or your emergency contact, given on your service agreement to arrange any remedial work.

  5. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will endeavour to leave your property as we found it.  You are respectively asked to note that we will not undertake any additional cleaning duties.

  6. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will water a small number of plants ‘free of charge’ on our pet visits, but clients you are respectively reminded that this is not the purpose of our visit.  Our priority is always to your pet(s). 

  7. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE are unable to accept any responsibility or liability for any issues surrounding the malfunction of electrical recording equipment, to include camera's, webcams and Ring doorbells etc.

  8. This document gives WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and its representatives authorisation to enter the your listed address as needed to perform agreed upon services.

  9. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE is not liable for any loss or damage in the event of a burglary or other crime that should occur while under this contract.

  10. Your agrees to properly secure the home prior to leaving the premises. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will re-secure the home to the best of its ability at the end of each visit.



  1. Where it is necessary for WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE to hold keys to a property, you shall provide one of each key needed.

  2. Keys will be coded and kept by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE within a locked system for security.

  3. You may ask for the return of your keys at any time, verbally or written by contacting WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.

  4. Keys will be returned by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE upon completion of the assignment providing all fees due have been paid.

  5. At the end of the assignment if you ask for your keys to be posted through the letterbox, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE accepts no liability for your keys once posted.

  6. If WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE holds your keys and have not used them for 6 months, we will return them to you.


Payment, Charges & Refunds

  1. Our charges will be set out to you in full at the time of booking.  You will be deemed to have accepted our charges and those of the pet carer upon confirmation of you booking.

  2. Bank Holidays are charged as normal rate plus 50%.  We are closed on public holidays to include Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day & Easter Sunday.

  3. Evenings and weekends are charged as normal rate plus 20%. 

  4. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE accepts cash/BACS transfer.  We do not accept cheques, credit cards or PayPal.

  5. For on-going/regular dog care services an invoice is sent in advance on the 25th of the month and is due for payment by the 1st of the next month.  You agree to pay WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE for all charges accrued for services rendered.

  6. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of 100% of the scheduled visits for services cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled service.

  7. For dog walking services, if our charges are not paid on the last day of the month, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserve the right to not proceed with further care until payment is received.

  8. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to charge an administration fee of £5.00 each week an invoice is outstanding.

  9. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to change your payment terms at any time.

  10. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserve the right to request payment ahead of service.

  11. For all other species than dog care services, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will send you an invoice for payment, due 14 days prior to the commencement of service.  A booking is not confirmed until full payment has been received.

  12. Where payment is not received for other species, in accordance with these terms and conditions of business, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right not to proceed with any previously agreed arrangements.

  13. You agree to notify WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE of any concerns within 24 hours of completion of services.

  14. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time if the pet carer, in his/her sole discretion, determines that the your pet(s) poses a danger to the health or safety of itself, other pets, other people or the pet carer.

  15. Refunds will only be given at the discretion of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE.

  16. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to either impose supplementary charges and/or terminate this agreement if, the assignment changes from the description given by you and needs more time or responsibility, or if there is a change in the nature or the assignment which could not have been reasonably foreseen by either party.

Flexi-Plus (Ad-hoc) Clients

  1. Ad-hoc walks/visits will only be available to those clients, who have used the services of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE within the current last year.

  2. Please remember our regular clients who have booked weekly walks/visits with us, take priority over ad-hoc bookings.  WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not move their walks to accommodate ad-hoc requests.


Changes to Return Date (All services except dog care services)

  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE carefully schedules their time to serve you and our other clients, therefore there are no refunds or credits for early returns or last-minute changes to pet care.

  2. If you are delayed on return, you must inform WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE immediately, and we will use their best endeavours to make alternative arrangements for continued cover, this may incur a further charge.

  3. If you arrive home earlier than expected, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not refund for the remaining visits



  1. If either you or WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cancel giving a minimum of 24 hours’ notice prior to service, you will not be charged.

  2. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will charge you the full-service fee.  You will still be charged if your own personal circumstances mean that you will now be home i.e. hybrid working, unless in extreme circumstances.

  3. If WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE cannot give 24 hours notice, i.e. staff illness you will either be refunded or it may be rolled over.

  4. For regular bookings, an unpaid invoice will not be classed as a cancellation. Full payment will still be required, even if the walk has passed and no refund will be given.

  5. To terminate an ongoing contract, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE asks for one weeks notice to be given by you, either verbally or in writing.

  6. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to refuse service to any client, at any time, for any reason.



  1. We aim to give you four weeks’ notice of our holidays.  In the case of single days off WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will aim to give you one weeks’ notice.

  2. For regular dog care services, you agree to advise WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE of your holidays with as much notice as possible.

  3. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE reserves the right to close for up to two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.



  1. You commit to inform WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE of any changes regarding your pet(s), contact numbers, your pet’s care needs, your emergency contact details and other pertinent information.

  2. You commit to inform WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE of any legal action or involvement that arises with your pet(s).

  3. It shall be your sole responsibility to ensure the information provided to WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE is current and up to date, you agree to accept any decision made by WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE in the event of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE not being able to contact you because of incorrect information held.

  4. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will keep you informed of any changes to your service, with immediate effect by telephone, email, text/WhatsApp message or WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE (clients only) Facebook page.


Inclement Weather

  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will try to carry out your instructions to the best of their ability. However, in cases of extreme weather, we will contact you with alternative arrangements or advise on cancellation for safety reasons.

  2. In the case of an emergency, inclement weather or a natural disaster, you authorise WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE to use reasonable judgment for the care and well being of your pet(s) and residence. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will make reasonable efforts to maintain service during these conditions but reserves the right to adjust the schedule of service based on the sole discretion of WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and their pet carers.


Pandemics & Additional Bank Holidays

  1. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will follow Government guidance laid down for safe operation during pandemics, to include protection for clients and WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE and the families of both parties. 

  2. If the Government impose lockdowns, WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will cease providing service in full lockdown or in tiered lockdown, operate under instruction by the Government.

  3. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will close on additional 'bank holidays' and Royal occasions.


  1. You authorise WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE the use of your pet(s) pictures (taken by us) on our website, social media and/or marketing materials for promotional purposes.

  2. WELLAND VALLEY PET CARE will not reply to any media correspondence/contact regarding your pet(s).

Updated February 2024

Pink and black logo of Protectivity Insurance confirming that are insured and protected by them

© 2025 by Welland Valley Pet Care - Professional Dog Walker & Pet Care 

Please note we are NOT affiliated to Welland Valley Feeds Ltd

Logo in black with a green tick to confirm DBS checked
City&Guilds qualified logo in red and black
Dog First Aid Logo in blue and navy confirming certified dog first aider
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